Currently, I am interested in a variety of Computer Vision related research and a have been recently exploring topics related to localization and pose-estimation. My previous time with the Griffith lab also led to a contributing to a couple publications, seen below.
pVACtools: A Computational Toolkit to Identify and Visualize Cancer Neoantigens
Hundal J, Kiwala S, McMichael J, Miller CA, Xia H, Wollam AT, Liu CJ, Zhao S, Feng YY, Graubert AP, Wollam AZ, Neichin J, Neveau M, Walker J, Gillanders WE, Mardis ER, Griffith OL, Griffith M.
Cancer Immunology Research, 2020
DGIdb 3.0: a redesign and expansion of the drug–gene interaction database
Cotto KC, Wagner AH, Feng Y, Kiwala S, Coffman AC, Spies G, Wollam A, Spies NC, Griffith OL, Griffith M.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2018